
Love life, Love romantic relationship, love reading,love English.



In my past three years, I was addicted in various snacks.Everyday I unconciously thought over what kinds of delicious food should be tasted today, and put into action.I don't care about my fatty appearance,where in fact I had been 77.5 kilograms and by no means could be depicted as beautiful,but I put much importance to eating.I thought there are only so few kinds of pleasure in human life, so constrain yourself not to eating is really a waste of life.


But one day I read a book <Awaken the giant within>,I know it's your thought that determines your action.Once your concepts are changed, your behaviors will turned around by 180degrees.In the book, there was a slogan for losing weight,"it's my honor to put away plate with food still on it."so that gave me great shock, I was persuated and made sudden and big determination to lose down.


Every day I had brisk walking for more than 12 kilometres, sometimes even for 17 kilometres.And at the same time on diet, no meats, less oil, and control the amounts taken in.It's really the proveb,"control your mouth ,and move your legs."


So after 3 months, I became 66.2 kilograms.For my height of 1.65 metres, I have had moderate build, I restored my ellegence,felt more confident than before.


So if you have the similar experience, share it with us now.

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