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追梦媛儿|个人应用 for Android








there are many chances when some people won a great prize in some big competitions, they will cry and couldn't control his own mood,so excited.And what's more, his relatives ,especially his parents will be too excited to say anything and shaking hands with people around them while crying.We always think these scenes are very common and normal.But some extremely wise men will say that "I'm afraid this person's achievements will be over from now on."Why, for they couldn't keep calm.He may be satisfied with this success and stop continuing to cultivate his skills.So we often see some instant stars only with one good masterpiece.


We can also see some other examples.When somebody was an ordinary staff in the company, he was courteous and polite,but when he was elevated to some positon, he suddenly became so arrogant and seemed not knowing how to express his pride.And do you think this kind of people will clime up further? Many facts have told us the possibility is very little, even sometimes he went into his golden times and be assigned to a higher position, his glory will not last long.Why,for they couln't also keep calm.


Why should a man keep calm if he wants to get more achievements? Because whether to be able to keep calm is the issue of the connotation and capibilty of the man.When he behaves excited, it manifests he couldn't contain the matter any more, whicn makes him shocked so much.He feels obessed about the success and will be hard to surpass it any more, for his heart has not that higher level.


We can see around us there are some body who will keep low-pitched and strinous as before when they get success, which will not only give others good impressions ,but prove he knows well about how to behave well in the new position and make less mistakes,so these will lead to his further success.


And if one man could keep calm, when he meets with bad lucks, he will also contain it and face it sensiblly,which will not let him defeated by failure or lost,or not let him losing his sense to make ridiculous mistakes.So he will have enough abilities to handle the problem and reduce the loss and gather himself up to go on with his pursue.


There are some people ,when they are only the leader of a small group ,they will disturb the group to make the members couldn't have quiet life.While there are also some people,feel so calm as the high official in the government, just like go to the toilet.So we see it's not your professional abilities leading to your high positon, but your capibility and connotation of your heart.The God always make fun of humans, what aspect in one's life is being regarded as most important will be hard to acquire ,but he will be helpless to face the calm ones,so the more clam you are, the smoother your life. 



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